Published on January 18, 2005 By _02 In WinCustomize Talk
Hi I just updated SDC and there is a new option "Think Desk". Does anyone know what and where it is? Thanks
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on Jan 19, 2005

ThinkDesk isn't announced yet.  You guys are just too far ahead of the curve for your own good.  Armed agents are on their way to your house.

ThinkDesk is the "next big thing" for Stardock. Right now, Stardock has 2 product lines:

Windows enhancement programs


and ThinkDesk will be the third (resource management).

ThinkDesk will start with 4 components: Multiplicity (think multiple monitors except each monitor is on its own computer), ThinkSync (peer file syncing for individuals or groups with integrated security), SecureProcess (control what gets run on your computer), and KeepSake (have file revisions done automatically at the file system level - go back to the version of your skin from 4 hours ago that you were working on).

It's not announced yet. It doesn't exist yet.  The infrastructure is being put in place. And we'll probably have a limited time availability that will allow Object Desktop users to purchase it at a severely reduced price (i.e. 3 days of availability) to get a good beta group together.


on Jan 19, 2005
Sounds interesting. Thanks for the info.
on Jan 19, 2005
Yeah it figures, something new and wonderfull, and 3 day window of opportunity, and my ass is so broke, I had to burn my wooden nickels to keep the house warm.
on Jan 19, 2005
on Jan 19, 2005
Holy Crap Brad!! What a great product line! If you need a TabletPC tester . . . I'm your guy.
on Jan 20, 2005

Now that is what I want. Will it tell me what process is what? Like if I see a sctange process running, will it tell me where it is coming from and who made it?

Plus all these svhost processes, sometimes they take up a lot of virtual memeroy, will SecureProcess help me know which one I can cancell?

... now all you have to do is make Blog Navigator Extreme of which blogs, saves RSS feeds and web links and lets you share them with others through a nice management system (so creating a knowledge base is easy).

Frogboy, are you listening???

joeKnowledge will continue to poke Frogboy and Skinstudio to make Blog Navigator what he wants it to be
on Jan 20, 2005
Plus all these svhost processes, sometimes they take up a lot of virtual memeroy, will SecureProcess help me know which one I can cancell?

You can already see which services are hosted on each svchost process:
open a command line window and type: tasklist /svc
on Jan 20, 2005
Hey, I didn't know that!!!
Cool info
on Jan 20, 2005
... now all you have to do is make Blog Navigator Extreme of which blogs, saves RSS feeds and web links and lets you share them with others through a nice management system (so creating a knowledge base is easy).

CygnusXII thinks Blog Navigator should encompass, all communicative flavours, and incorporate features to enact "Podcasting, and BiTTorrent Casting." via RSS Feeds also. BroadCatching using RSS + BitTorrent "Now I know this is BroadCatching not Broadcasting, but a reverse of the Technology is Podcasting with a BT Flavour"
on Jan 31, 2005
Any Idea when this 3 day selling/beta recruitment will begin?

Will it be announced?

Clayton Meisman
on Feb 11, 2005
Regarding Multiplicity check out SourceForge for an app called Synergy.
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