Published on March 23, 2005 By _02 In OS Customization
I don't know what has happened, but lately alot of skins I download are missing whole sides to them. A bottom piece is missing or the side of the calender ect. So I right clicked it and went to the skins link, then up to the top where it says edit current skin. Under Backgrounds click the one that says tiled and then apply. Doing that has fixed every one that had that problem so far!
on Mar 24, 2005
There have been at least two updates to Rainlendar recently which have changed the way certain elements are skinned. Older skins will not function correctly with the latest versions, and certain elements of these skins will be noticeably missing. I bet this is the source of the problem.
on Mar 24, 2005
I'm very glad I took the chance and messed around and found it! It has worked for others as well.