Thanks guys for you interest in helping end horse slaughter in America. I have sent you both an email via The Humane Society so you can ask your state Senators to support the Sweeney-Sprat bill to end this horrible act. It is not spam! Thanks again, I really appreciate it, and also left you a comment in my Save the Domestic Horse thread. Take care. Cindi
Comments (Page 3)
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on Jun 23, 2005
Why should we leave religion out of it Night Train when in fact religion guides most people's decisions about such issues?
on Jun 23, 2005

Sorry, should be excluded.
on Jun 23, 2005
Why should we leave religion out of it Night Train when in fact religion guides most people's decisions about such issues?

If there is a God, and He has a plan for humankind, then it's only common sense to pay attention and it affects every decision that we make. If there is no God, none of it matters anyway. I believe that there is, so His instruction manual is the only standard for me to live by.
on Jun 23, 2005
omg....A holy war. what is this, the time of the crusades? get ahold of yourself! Can i sign that petition for you clwoods?

My name is: Keith MacDonald
on Jun 23, 2005
Sorry, Z. Didn't mean to have a conversation that excluded asterisks.
on Jun 23, 2005

Man's inhumanity should be reserved for his fellow man, not be extended to lording it over more noble creatures than himself.

We deserve our own stupidity....aka live by the sword - die by the sword ...aka gun control, etc.

I think whales should be exempt from man's folly....

on Jun 23, 2005
Jafo - no offense - but I don't think any animal is more noble than mankind. Sorry.
on Jun 23, 2005
- but I don't think any animal is more noble than mankind.

May be true, but one is a victim and the other is an initiator of mis-management.
on Jun 23, 2005
Paul's a "dick-head"
on Jun 23, 2005
Interesting - so we are told by the good book to eat all the animals and have dominion over all the animals yet people cry foul when our food is mistreated?

Kona0197 shakes his head...

There are bigger problems in this world than animal mistreatment. For example - global warming.

(By the way if no one edits China's comments I'm going to cry foul as I know others can't get away with that kind of talk...)
on Jun 23, 2005
on Jun 23, 2005

China's just speaking the truth....

...or my own self-diagnosis....

on Jun 23, 2005
Can i sign that petition for you clwoods?

I wish you could help, but you are Canadian, and this is a bill for America. You do not have any United States Senators to send the message to. The petition part is over, and was a success by a landslide. Now it must pass the US Senate. Sorry. I really do appreciate your desire to help though. Thank you very much.
on Jun 23, 2005
Jafo - no offense - but I don't think any animal is more noble than mankind. Sorry

No offense Kona, but considering that man is suppose to be superior to all other beings on earth, I would have to say because of all the irresponsible and horrible things man has done to ourselves, the animals and this planet,not to mention the mismangement of our resourses, our supposed superior intelligence doesn't really matter. Apparently it takes something other than intelligence to do things right. Like a heart and soul, which seems most people do not give creedence to these days,and maybe never have. It is mankind's arrogance that has placed us so high, in the minds of some, surely not his actions. Therefore mankind is the lowest being on the totem pole. In the famous words of Ripley from the movie Aliens I must say on behalf of all animals "You don't see them ....... each other over for a percentage" If what we have done to this world, ourselves and the "lesser" inhabitants is what intelligence and nobility are, then I rather be a poor, dumb animal.
on Jun 24, 2005
In order for the Intelligence of the mind to be successful, it must be applied with the Heart and Soul. CLW
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